Insights from Cloud Architect Job Listings

cloud architect job outlook

LinkedIn has published a list of the most promising jobs in the U.S. for 2019. They used the data available on this professional networking site to analyze the number of job openings and yearly salaries to find out which positions provide the best hiring growth and pay. They also factored in the probability for promotion as a ranking factor by looking at the percentage of employees working at the end of 2016 who then started a new position at the same company in 2017. Finally, on a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 being the highest, LinkedIn gave each role a career advancement score. Let’s take a look at all the insights from cloud architect job outlook across the globe.

The Cloud architect job has been listed in this report and largely this job role entails overseeing a company’s cloud computing strategy involving cloud adoption plans, cloud application design, and cloud management and monitoring. In this post, we used JobsPikr to download job listings with “Cloud Architect Job Outlook” in the job title from the USA and analyzed the data to find out interesting insights.

Cloud Architect Job Outlook: A candidate that is dedicated only to cloud architecture and cloud solutions. There are many cloud services out there that are present

Read on to explore in greater detail.

Cloud Architect Job Outlook – Dataset

This data set has more than 1200 job listings for the US region extracted in between April and August. Here are the data fields available in this data set:

crawl_timestamp URL job_title category company_name city state country inferred_city inferred_state inferred_country
inferred_country post_date job_description job_type salary_offered job_board geo contact number contact email cursor uniq_id

Cloud Architect Job Outlook Growth Over Time

cloud architect job outlook

This chart explores the number of job postings from April to August. We can see that there is consistent growth in the number of openings since April except for August.

Top locations for Cloud Architects

So, which locations have the most number of openings for Cloud Architects?
As we can see, Virginia, Texas, California, New York, and Illinois are the top locations with maximum numbers of opportunities. Now you know where to move for your next opening.

Top industries with Cloud Architect jobs

We can see that the major industries employing Cloud Architects are ‘architecture and engineering’, ‘computer and internet’, and ‘constructions’.

cloud architect job outlook

Top skills required for Cloud Architect job

Let’s now explore the key skills that companies are looking for in cloud architects. The following chart has been created by looking at the frequently occurring words in the job description field of the job listings. Of course, we have removed stop words such as ‘cloud’ and ‘architect’.

cloud architect job outlook

Given below are the five most important skills:

1. AWS

AWS commands 40% of the cloud computing market share, more than the market share of its three biggest competitors put together. They offer flexible compute, storage, networking, at affordable pricing via autoscaling, self-service, pay-as-u-go pricing, compliance, identity access management features, and instant provisioning.

AWS, the most experienced and oldest cloud player with 11 years in operation provides an extensive list of computing services and functions of mobile networking, deployments, machine learning, and more. With over a million customers, 2 million servers, 100,000 Weather-Forecasting Computer Cores, and $10 billion in annual revenue, AWS is the largest cloud computing platform. Considering this widespread usage, it makes sense this is the top skill for cloud architects.

2. Azure

Azure is a cloud service platform by Microsoft, which provides services in different domains such as compute, storage, database, networking, developer tools, and other functionality which help organizations to scale and grow their businesses. This service comes second to AWS in terms of market share. Azure services are broadly categorized as the platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) which can be used by developers and software employees to create, deploy and manage services and applications through the cloud.

Microsoft Azure was launched in 2010 and it emerges as one of the biggest commercial cloud service providers. It offers a wide range of integrated cloud services and functionalities such as analytics, computing, networking, database, storage, mobile, and web applications that seamlessly integrate with your environment to achieve efficiency and scalability.

3. Google Cloud

Google cloud systems were newly launched and has been really helpful for digital marketers across all platforms who use this software for all cloud-related jobs. They use a cloud strategy that nobody in the industry uses and it is aggressive. The design and the development of the platform is so impressive that there is almost not many glitches or hitches that arise while using the same.

4. Data

Data architectures must be built upon a dynamic and scalable data infrastructure and cloud environment to drive as much data processing and analytical capability as possible. Support for evolving technologies that enable lower-cost, flexible, on-demand data management, and analytics on AI/ML-based cloud platforms.

5. Security

Securing the cloud starts with the cloud architecture. The critical piece to building the cloud computing security architecture is planning the visibility portion, aka the performance management strategy, of the cloud network. The best practice is for enterprises to carefully review the cloud service provider’s (CSP) service level agreement (SLA) to understand the enterprise’s responsibility for enforcing security measures.

6. Systems

System design in the cloud architecture is the process of designing the elements of a system such as the modules and components, the different interfaces of those components, and the data that goes through that system. The architect establishes processes that decompose a system into its component pieces to define how well those components interact to accomplish the set requirements. Also, the architect delivers detailed data and information about the system and its system elements to enable the implementation consistent with architectural entities.

Cloud Architect Job Outlook – Conclusion

We looked at the top skills, important locations for cloud architects along with major industries, and job growth over time. The visualizations show that top locations are Virginia, Texas, and California. Also, the top industries hiring Cloud Architects are ‘Architecture and Engineering, and ‘Computer or Internet’. The most important skills for this job role are AWS, Azure, system design, DevOps, Data management, and Security.

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